JD-800 flex circuit replacement!

As most owners of Roland JD-800’s know: sooner of later the keys will stop functioning correctly. If it’s not the infamous red glue issue it’s the flexible circuit board that will break. The red glue can be an easy fix (especially if you fix it before it becomes a problem) but the flexible circuit board that runs underneath the keys is a bigger problem.

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Roland XP-10 Display replacement

(and fix stuck keys)

Last week I bought a Roland XP-10 which was in desperate need of some tlc. In the photo’s it was visible that about 10 keys where stuck down. I thought these might be physically broken but according to the seller some keys just don’t come back up when you press them sometimes. Apart from that the seller said the keyboard (and display) work fine. I asked because I know the displays on these have issues.

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